welcome to your unemotional side 2!



welcome to your unemotional side, 2!

i'm really glad to see you!
you've found your way to the emotional feelings network of sites - "your unemotional side 2."
your unemotional side - get's its name because all of the emotion & feelings words begin with "UN"!

your dictionary definition of:



1: liable to be erroneous or misleading; "an undependable generalization" [syn: undependable]

2: not to be trusted [syn: undependable]

3: not worthy of reliance or trust; "in the early 1950s computers were large and expensive and unreliable"; "an undependable assistant" [syn: undependable] [ant: reliable]

4: dangerously unstable & unpredictable; "treacherous winding roads"; "an unreliable trestle" [syn: treacherous]

5: lacking a sense of responsibility

There's a new site in the network! I am almost finished completing each page, but I can't wait anymore to tell you all about it! Please pay it a visit soon! It's an important topic!


nuture 101


 read my personal blog about living with emotional feelings!



getting the info organized!
getting the info organized!
getting the info organized!

Advantages of Being Reliable

by Ron Kurtus (revised 16 April 2001)

A person who does as promised can be considered as reliable. Reliability is an admirable characteristic. People don't like to deal with those who are unreliable. They'd rather give their business & rewards to the person they can count on. Also, the reliable person feels good knowing that he or she is trusted.

Questions you may have are:

  • What does it mean to be reliable?
  • What is being unreliable?
  • How does reliability pay?

This lesson will try to answer those questions. There is a mini-quiz near the end of this lesson.

Reasons people are unreliable

If you promise to do something, the other person assumes you're good for your word. Sometimes that promise is implied or assumed. Some people will renege on their word or responsibility for a number of possible reasons.

Personal situations

The person may have lied to get out of an uncomfortable or awkward situation & never intended to do what he said. Suppose someone asked you to come over to help with some task, which you didn't really care to do. It may be easier to say you will but then never show up. The other person would think you were unreliable, if this happened more than once.

Something more important may have come up. Suppose you were supposed to meet someone, but then some friends came over & wanted to go out. So you never show up, because the other activity was more important to you. Being considerate & calling the other person would be awkward, so you don't bother.

Business or work

A person at work is often late on completing assignments, either because they're too difficult or he gets sidetracked with more interesting activities. His boss & fellow workers consider him unreliable.

Being unreliable

You can't count on a person who is known to be unreliable to follow thru on what he or she has promised to do. A person may promise to pick you up at the airport but then not show up, because "he forgot." Or a person may come to a meeting late, because she got involved in some other activity & lost track of time.

Renege on promises

What happens with unreliable people is that they renege on their promises. They're unreliable because the way the set their priorities. Their promise to you isn't as important to them as something else.

Caught up in own interests

Some people lack the skills to complete jobs. Some lie & have no intention of doing the job. Some have good intentions but are so forgetful or caught up in their own interests that they forget or don't bother to do what they promised.

You aren't important

Often, what they're saying is that you aren't as important. A person who is unreliable at work us saying that the job isn't as important to them as some other activity.

Being reliable

A reliable person is one who has a track record of doing what he or she promised to do. If a person continually completes tasks she promised to do, she's then considered reliable. If a person has says he'll show up at 10:30 & he's known to be reliable, you can count on him to be on time.

Being considered reliable means that you're conscientious & keep your promises. A reliable person doesn't make excuses.

Benefits of being reliable

Certainly, you would want to associate with a person you can count on. Supervisors want to keep employees that are reliable & who that can count on to come to work on time & to complete assigned tasks. Such a person is trusted to do as promised.

Trust leads to promotions

The benefits of being reliable are that people trust you & feel they can count on you. A reliable person will get & keep friends much easier than someone who is careless in personal relationships & can't be counted on to keep his or her word. A reliable worker will be trusted to do the job as promised & can reap the rewards of raises & promotions.

A business that has a reputation of being reliable or making reliable products will get repeat & new business, as well as reducing costs of rework or repair.

Negative side to being reliable

On the negative side of being considered reliable, there are situations where others can soon take you for granted & not appreciate your reliability. It's a trait of human nature that if something or someone is very predictable, then those actions aren't appreciated.

Although it's possible to be taken advantage of by being reliable & predictable, in the long run reliability is the best way to be.

Admirable trait

Being reliable is an admirable trait. We all dislike dealing with people who are unreliable, so being reliable is a character trait for which we should strive. People thank you for it. You get a good reputation. You also feel good about yourself when you do as promised.

It's a good feeling to be "a man of his word" or a "woman of her word."

In conclusion

A reliable person has a track record of keeping promises. An unreliable person shows he or she doesn't really care about others. You can't count on such a person. The benefits of being reliable include promotions at work, better personal relationships & increased self-esteem.

Straight Talk: Giving Your Child the Facts About Sex   by Tara Swords 


Tanis Exner didn't wait for TV, teachers or playground friends to teach her 8-year-old daughter, Jenelle, about sex. Tanis began sex education, as she says, "from the beginning."

"We did not leave out body parts when we taught her about her body," Exner says. "We thought her vagina was as important as her nose or her feet."

For parents like Tanis who are worried that their children will experiment with sex at too young an age, research shows that this approach is the best one.

A national survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Children Now found that kids whose parents are more open in their discussions about sex and sexuality are less likely to become sexually active at a young age. The idea is that children who feel they can approach their parents with questions will get factual information and feel less compelled to seek out answers through their own experiences.

Tanis says she learned the hard way, and won't let her daughter do the same.

"I learned about sex from my unreliable friends and ended up a teem mum because I knew nothing of birth control," she says. "I did not want my own daughter growing up ashamed of her body and ignorant of the facts."

What Kids Do
Recent media coverage of the teen pregnancy rate in the United States has thrust the issue into the spotlight -- and the latest numbers are a combination of good and bad news.

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, a Washington-based non-profit research group, the U.S. pregnancy rate among girls ages 15 to 19 dropped 17% from 1990 to 1996 - from 117 births per 1,000 girls to 97 births per 1,000 girls. After a near crisis in the number of teen pregnancies in the 1980s, this was a sign of progress, a sign that some effort or combination of efforts was convincing teens to avoid early parenthood.

After the teenage pregnancy rate began making headlines, educators, parents and teens alike mounted campaigns to reduce the number of girls facing the prospect of motherhood before even reaching their 20s. This sparked a nationwide debate as different interest groups battled over the best solution: abstinence or contraception.

National surveys suggest the drop in the teen pregnancy rate can be attributed to both an increase in abstinence and contraception use among teenagers. However, the Guttmacher Institute has suggested that about 80% of the decrease is due to increased -- and correct -- contraception use, leaving "just say no" advocates to claim the remaining 20% of the good news.

Though the situation appears to be improving, placing the teen pregnancy rate in proper context reveals a reality that still leaves much to be desired. Sex is rare among very young teens, but quite common in later adolescence. And the harsh truth remains: the United States has a teen pregnancy rate twice that of England, Wales or Canada, and 9 times as high as the Netherlands or Japan.

What Will Your Kid Do?
The reality is that most teens will have sex. In fact, it's estimated that only 1 in 5 children will not have sex while in their teens. And a sexually active teen who does not use contraception has a startling 90% chance of becoming pregnant within 1 year. Given this info, parents are being encouraged to arm their children with facts, so that whatever a teen's decision, it will be an informed one.

Becoming Your Child's Ally
Tackling this issue with your child isn't an easy thing to do, and the fear of creating an uncomfortable situation can close the lines of communication. Talking With Kids About Tough Issues has compiled a set of guidelines to help parents ease into an honest dialogue about sex, encouraging parents to talk with their kids openly, honestly and frequently.

Misty Schaefer's daughter is only 4 months old, but Misty already knows the value of an open relationship with her child.

"I want my child to feel she can come to me with any situation and we will handle it together," she says. "I think if you open the door to the dreadful 'sex' talk, that breaks the ice and says, 'Hey, it is okay to talk about this kind of stuff with my parents. They had these problems when they were my age.'"

And Tanis Exner says she'll give her daughter all the info she requests - even some info she might not request.

"I really resent the fact that my mother didn't teach me anything," Tanis says. "I will definitely teach [my daughter] that to abstain is best, but at the same time I will provide her with condoms and instructions on how to use them. While I would rather that she wait for sex, I will be realistic rather than blind."

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Click here to visit the Red Cross page that allows you to access your local chapter of the Red Cross by entering your zip code in the specified box, to see how you can help in your area. You can also call your local Red Cross Chapter that you can find the number for online or in your local phone book to volunteer for any openings that may need to be filled or you can find another way to help others there as well!

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